A Word of Encouragement
Potty training a 3 year old is part of the experience these days, and from time to time I'm granted a moment of clarity...
...mine was, almost everyone...goes...(and thus, has learned to go) in the toilet.
I've been doing it for years now, whether it was at age 2 or 5 when I finally got it.
In the big picture the when is just a matter of time.
For me, timing in general is at the root of any potty-training related madness more often than the actual outcome of potty-training. For example:
Little Brother
who doubled the number of diapers & wipes needed to keep double the number of bums clean...and one bum in diapers would be better than two...
courtesy of Amazon |
and pre-schools that don't change diapers have left me feeling under pressure when it comes to helping BB out of them...
Working from home.
Geting any work done between potty break alarms can be a challenge...
After the bordering-on-sane me thinks, or blurts out one of the following judgmental phrases...
"you're old enough to..."
"you know {should know} better..."
"you're just being lazy..." {not my finest moment}
...beyond feeling terrible, the sane me responds, "Do you even remember being 3?" How do I know what this experience is like for him?
Today I come away with a reminder that I'm not in control {nor should I be} of the when. Potty training likely won't happen when I think it will or should.
In spite of timing, this experience with my growing boy is what I make of it.
And because almost everyone does eventually get it, it really is all about the experience, and not the outcome.