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    Monday, November 5, 2012

    Thankful [Day 5]

    This lovely post applies today,
    I am thankful for this day.

    A beautiful young woman, and a mother to 5 children, passed away yesterday after suffering a stroke.  

    My husband and I are stunned by the news.  The three of us went to the same high school, and she and I were in the same graduating class.  My husband took her out on a date, twice.  

    She was kind to me...a beautiful, genuine girl with a great smile. While others changed their style, behavior, or friends from year to year she never appeared to, and maintained this quiet and unique confidence.  In all the years I knew her, I never knew her to have said anything insensitive to or about another person.  We didn't cross paths after high school, but to this day I have a positive memory of her.  

    Certain tasks that felt urgent this morning, don't feel urgent at all now.  I'm holding my boys a little longer and a little closer, and throwing in extra kisses.

    I expect there have been, and will be, many as stunned and saddened by the news.  We know that her family is heartbroken, and we are praying for comfort and peace to flood their lives.  I'm confident that all who were loved and cared for by this young woman, will in turn love and care for hers.

    All comments will be shared with K's family.  
    We hope you will feel welcome to leave one.

    I am also thankful that when we lose someone we love, we may comfort in this truth:  we will live again because of our Savior, Jesus Christ:


    1. Please feel welcome to comment with a favorite moment or memory you have of K. We would like to share this link with her parents and family, to help them find a smile at this difficult time. Thank you!

    2. Kim was a great friend. We had a few classes together in high school and she was a very happy, loving person. We had some wonderful times in those Academy of Finance classes. My prayers are with her family!

    3. Please also feel welcome to share additional links where comments and condolences may be shared.

    4. We've learned that donations on behalf of the Milligan family, to help cover final expenses, can be made to the "Kimberly Milligan Donation Account" at any Zions Bank location. Thank you Brandon & Jeremiah.

    5. Zions Bank has confirmed donations can be made in-person at, or mailed to, any Zions Bank location. You may make a donation online if you have a Zions Bank account. Otherwise, there doesn't appear to be any other online option.

      1. I was first introduced to Kim in my typing class by another friend. The 3 of us were told more than once by our teacher "more work and less talk." We kept in touch on and off through out school. I remember Kim as being friendly, caring and personable. My heart goes out to the family.

      2. This one made me smile. Thank you for sharing.


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