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    Friday, November 9, 2012

    Thankful [Day 8]

    I stumbled upon this wonderful blog today.
    Between her short, but 
    so sweet, "Thankful" posts,
    this blogger had a [beautiful] baby

    Have you smiled yet today?  All 9 "Thankful" posts are listed on the right side of her blog [under November].  Here is the first.

    Today I am thankful for choices.  And, for bad chocolate, because bad chocolate reminds me of how thankful I am for good chocolate.

    There are times it seems we don't have a choice, or that our choice doesn't matter.  There are times when I wish I didn't have a choice, because it isn't easy to choose.  Ultimately, I'll always be thankful for the choice at all.  And, for moments of clarity when a choice appears where you didn't believe you had one. 

    Each day is full of choices...
    +  hot or cold water
    +  warmer or cooler clothes
    +  any choice we have between multiples of one thing, like shirts or shoes.  Or vehicles...
    +  the freedom to voice our opinion
    +  what to eat
    +  what to watch, or listen to
    +  where to go for the best price on groceries
    I wonder how many we could list...have one I haven't listed?

    I've made a few key choices in the last two weeks:
    +  I voted [and I love that my 1-year-old thinks it's hilarious to stick things to his forehead, because now I have this photo]!

    +  I have accepted a new church assignment, and I expect I'll be teaching my last Sunday School lesson this Sunday...

    +  I've decided to quit my part-time, home-based job to be a full-time wife and mom.

    I realize that this final topic tends to ignite fiery debates. Having a job has certainly afforded me many of the choices I've listed.  And certainly, too many are feeling the negative effects the lack of a job and a dependable paycheck can have.  

    Working is just one of those things you do.  It wasn't until I realized how dangerously close I was personally to utter burnout that I had to re-examine just what choices I had...  

    Quitting would mean no more drive-thru or impulse purchases...far fewer trips to Target [because apparently I have no self-control there]...fewer outings to places like the children's museum [at least without a coupon]...and even rethinking the holidays...

    Even so, the mental and emotional relief that I feel [so soon] is surprising.  Hubby has noticed, and continues to be extremely supportive.  I must be smiling more because I haven't heard one of Big Brother's regular questions recently:  "Are you happy?"

    I am thankful to have met a very kind, generous man who offered me a job immediately after we moved into our new home, and who has allowed me to work from home these 4 years.  The added income was certainly a blessing.  

    Now, on to learning for the first time how to be a full-time mom!

    1 comment:

    1. Wooo HOOO!!! Congrats on your retirement!! You are an amazing mom whether you are working or not, but I hope you can find some peace from this new phase of life!!!


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