Thursday, September 27, 2012

How Are You Haunting This Year?

We veered from tradition this year, and instead of making the invitations to our 4th (!) annual Halloween party, I happened upon a site called Punchbowl and went digital!  

Hubby went back to school this Fall to become a Master in Business Administration...

...this is what happens when I'm without my Master of Halloween

Punchbowl let me "design" and "mail" a digital Save the Date and separate invitation to 30 guests for free.  And, as far as I can tell there is no guest limit.  

Punchbowl is keeping a record of our guests' responses/RSVPs, and I can even see how many attending guests are adults, children, and infants.

We chose this design: 
I was able to edit the text, and the stamp on the "envelope."

Our Save the Date:

Our invitation:

Off to one side we included additional details:

Next year, though I'd love to keep with tradition and make our invitations, because Punchbowl made getting invitations out {quickly} this easy, I would seriously consider using them again.  Until then, I know I'll use them for at least one Thanksgiving, Christmas, or New Year's Eve-related event!    

To end I thought I'd give you a peek into our first 'official' Halloween invitation in 2009, with a disclaimer:  out-of-focus photos may cause eye strain...whO took these photos?
^this girl!

{ 2009 }

The Haunted Mansion
Our Severed Finger Invitation 
and Martha's
My severed finger model, Hubby
Paper cup + 
3-D Gel Instant Molding Compound, from Michaels +
Hubby's fingers = 

Then, you fill your molds with plaster 
and leave them to set!
How are you haunting this year?

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Long Day? Get away...

...when I disappear into a long, hot shower right out of bed in the morning you can assume it's because before the day has even begun, I'm already exhAUSted.  

Mentally/emotionally/and physically exhAUSted.    

Parenting a 3-year-old and a 1-year-old is the most difficult thing I have ever done.  It is rewarding...but not every day.  Some days it's just work, and the reward comes a bit later.

Ironically, my boys tend to benefit from days like these because in an effort to pass the time at a pace above zombie crawl, rain or shine we leave the house early in search of a toddler/preschooler-friendly place we can go to burn out for a few hours.

I finally decided to make the trip with both boys to the Museum of Ancient Life at Thanksgiving Point {Lehi, UT} largely on account of a famous little monkey,

and the fact that my 3-year-old Curious George fan is also completely hooked by any advertisement!

Of course, that I was curious about this shop at Thanksgiving Point,
only worked in his favor.  To shop here I needed deeper pockets, but it was fun to look!

As for our first visit to the Point, of course it's always nice when these experiences can be had for less money.  I later learned that Thanksgiving Point does offer a membership 

But, in spite of the rain...the drive...the cost...and the speed at which my 3-year-old took in the I loaded them into the car to take them home, my 1-year-old was rubbing his eyes and smiling and my 3-year-old told me he'd had fun.  I also failed to mention that I may need to go again, by myself...what I managed to see was really pretty impressive! 

Nearing the end of a long day, I don't know what more I could have asked for. 

a few of our favorite photos 
Museum of Ancient Life

It seems more George-inspired outings are in our future...

The aquarium!
The zoo!
...we'll keep you posted ;)

Monday, September 24, 2012

The Adventures of Potty-Training:

A Word of Encouragement

Potty training a 3 year old is part of the experience these days, and from time to time I'm granted a moment of clarity...  

Snag a print at CarryOnCorps' Etsy shop
...mine was, almost everyone...goes...(and thus, has learned to go) in the toilet.  

I've been doing it for years now, whether it was at age 2 or 5 when I finally got it.  

In the big picture the when is just a matter of time.  

For me, timing in general is at the root of any potty-training related madness more often than the actual outcome of potty-training. For example:  

courtesy of Pinterest
Little Brother 
who doubled the number of diapers & wipes needed to keep double the number of bums clean...and one bum in diapers would be better than two... 

courtesy of Amazon
and pre-schools that don't change diapers have left me feeling under pressure when it comes to helping BB out of them...

Working from home.
Geting any work done between potty break alarms can be a challenge...

After the bordering-on-sane me thinks, or blurts out one of the following judgmental phrases...

"you're old enough to..."
"you know {should know} better..."
"you're just being lazy..."  {not my finest moment}

...beyond feeling terrible, the sane me responds, "Do you even remember being 3?"  How do I know what this experience is like for him?

Today I come away with a reminder that I'm not in control {nor should I be} of the when.  Potty training likely won't happen when I think it will or should.  

In spite of timing, this experience with my growing boy is what I make of it.  

And because almost everyone does eventually get it, it really is all about the experience, and not the outcome.

Monday, September 10, 2012


+ We attended Hubby's company picnic at the park.

Big Brother
Little Brother
+ Little Brother celebrated his 1st birthday!

+ I was pleasantly surprised that a text message from my dad could convey so much...

+ Hubby started school!  {He's set out to acquire a Masters of Business Administration degree.}

+ We 'unwrapped' the living room floor after months of demolition, drywall/dust, and plaster/paint.  We intend to give a proper credit to our new friends and post the grand reveal once the final touches are complete! 

+ Hubby's grandma passed.  We enjoyed a wonderful service, and spending time with family members we don't often see.  I'm determined to be more like GiGi...

+ We had the best super-family-sleepover ever with our brother's family from California!  {...and...we're secretly plotting their relocation to Utah...}

+ I decided to re-visit cross-stitch.

+ Big Brother finally got to play "Once Upon A Monster" for the Kinect...after months of waiting! 

I love these feet...

It's BOO Time

One of my favorite months is fast approaching!  
On account of its size, one of the easiest rooms to decorate 
[in my opinion] is the bathroom.

Here are the first fun {and...well, ODDfinds 
for your Halloween bathroom.  



Orange Pumpkin Wallflowers ® Fragrance Plug, Bath & Body Works' Boo-Tique

Scentportable® Glow in the Dark Skull, Bath & Body Works' Boo-Tique

Prepare yourself, because this frightening tale takes place in a bathroom.  And, by chance you find yourself mid-story when you use the facilities, the story repeats every 86 cm. 

"Drop," a horror novel...on toilet paper, Hayashi Paper Co.
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